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Canine Muscle and Joint Workshop

Riverside Canine Center will be hosting Chris Cranston, MPT, CCRP and Amy Campbell, CSAMT, CPDT-KA on Saturday, October 27th as they present their Canine Muscle and Joint Workshop. Chris and Amy are partnering to teach owners techniques from the canine physical therapy and massage therapy worlds that can be used at home to improve the wellness and longevity of your dog. During this workshop you will learn to:

  • Identify any potential problems early to prevent injury or chronic issues
  • Better understand your dogs anatomy and physiology
  • Assess weakness, tightness, and motion restrictions in your dog
  • Develop an action plan when a struggle arises
  • Apply massage and other hands-on techniques
  • Employ exercises to stretch tight muscles and strengthen weak muscles to achieve better body balance and ease of movement

Chris and Amy have helped hundreds of dogs live healthier, longer lives through their physical therapy and massage techniques, come learn their secrets.


Presenters: Chris Cranston, MPT, CCRP and Amy Campbell, CSAMT, CPDT-KA
Date: October 27, 2018
Location: Riverside Canine Center, Nashua, NH
Details: Limited to 20 working spots, unlimited auditors. Hand-outs will be included. $175 working spot, $125 auditor